Poppet Post #3


Community workshops in full swing

Exciting times – the shadow and  aerial  workshops have begun. Great to see the joy of experiencing (& sharing) new skills, bodies defying gravity and magical worlds created through light. The next sessions in both series are on Sunday August 26th & Sunday Sept 2nd respectively. Check out the Poppet facebook page for details. 

If you are planning on being in Bendigo for the Regional Arts Australia conference, Artlands, put the evening of Friday 12th of October in your calendar to see a Poppet ‘work in progress’ rehearsal. Where? …. Yes, on the poppet head in Rosalind Park.

Another story-shaping session is happening this Friday with a specific focus on our Dja Dja Wurrung collaboration.  This shared creative process hopefully guiding our way towards developing authentic content & expression of these intrinsic veins of this complex story of ‘a place’.

Meanwhile behind the scenes ‘skins’ are being constructed, projectors being sourced, caribiners ordered, copy written, paperwork signed, budgets scutinised …….

With about 8 weeks to go things are hotting up!

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